The First Ocean Park International Conservation STEAM Competition

21 JUN 2019 – 22 JUN 2019
The First Ocean Park International Conservation STEAM Competition
The Ocean Park Hong Kong
The Ocean Park Hong Kong will organise “The First Ocean Park International STEAM Education Conference 2019” from 21 June to 22 June 2019, and students from all across the world are invited to participate in “The First Ocean Park International Conservation STEAM Competition”. The competition aims at encouraging students to apply their knowledge and skills in STEAM-related disciplines to solve real-life problems creatively, with its focus on proposing innovative solutions for global environmental issues. The theme of the competition is “STEAM and Marine Conservation”.

Each school may nominate at most 2 teams to join the competition. Each team should be composed of a maximum of 5 students at senior secondary level (S4-S6), and supervised by at least one teacher-in-charge.

Event Details
EDB Circular Memorandum (Annex 13)