STEM knowledge updates series: Workshop on the application of augmented reality (AR) technology in STEM education (New)

1 JUN 2019
STEM knowledge updates series: Workshop on the application of augmented reality (AR) technology in STEM education (New)
Maker Space, Rm 109, 1/F, Arts & Technology Education Centre, 145 Junction Road, Lok Fu, Kowloon
● To enhance participants’ understanding of the basic concepts of Augmented Reality (AR) and their uses in STEM education
● To facilitate participants to promote STEM education in schools through the application of AR technology
Event Details

STEM knowledge updates series: Application of latest 3D printing technology in STEM project – Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM) 3D printing with continuous fibre composites (Refreshed)

24 MAY 2019
STEM knowledge updates series: Application of latest 3D printing technology in STEM project – Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM) 3D printing with continuous fibre composites (Refreshed)
Maker Space, Rm 109, 1/F, Arts & Technology Education Centre, 145 Junction Road, Lok Fu, Kowloon
● To enhance participants’ understanding on the advantage and limitation of FDM 3D Printing using continuous fibre composites
● To facilitate participants to promote STEM education in schools through applying 3D printing technology
Event Details

Workshop on the Use of Halocode to Develop Junior Secondary Students’ Programming Concepts

28 MAY 2019
Workshop on the Use of Halocode to Develop Junior Secondary Students’ Programming Concepts
STEM Education Centre, 1/F, Arts & Technology Education Centre, 145 Junction Road, Lok Fu, Kowloon
– To enhance participants’ pedagogical knowledge on using Halocode to develop junior secondary students’ programming concepts
– To facilitate participants to promote STEM education in school through teaching coding
Event Details

Model Airship Design Competition

29 Apr 2019 – 14 May 2019
Model Airship Design Competition
The Model Airship Design Competition is jointly organised by the STEM Education Centre and the Arts & Technology Education Centre of the Education Bureau (EDB), as well as the VTC STEM Education Centre. It aims to encourage students’ creativity, application of STEM knowledge and skills, as well as to nurture their hands-on ability and collaboration skills.

Students will be participating in groups to make model airships. The Competition will be held on 8 July 2019 (Monday).

Event Details
EDB Circular Memorandum (Annex 4)

Seminar on the Latest Development of Science Education, Technology Education and Mathematics Education Key Learning Area Curricula cum Sharing of Good Practices (Refreshed)

29 APR 2019
Seminar on the Latest Development of Science Education, Technology Education and Mathematics Education Key Learning Area Curricula cum Sharing of Good Practices (Refreshed)
Lecture Theatre, 4/F, West Block, Education Bureau Kowloon Tong Education Services Centre, 19 Suffolk Road, Kowloon Tong, Kowloon
The Government attaches great importance to the promotion of STEM education with a view to nurturing students’ learning interest, enhancing their creativity, collaboration and problem solving skills as well as developing their innovativeness. Besides, students are encouraged to study STEM-related disciplines and pursue relevant careers in the future for the sustainable development of Hong Kong. Among the recommended strategies to promote STEM education, enhancement of professional development of teachers is a key support measure to facilitate schools to implement STEM education.

This seminar aims to further strengthen curriculum leaders and middle managers’ capacity in planning and implementing school-based STEM-related activities with focus on holistic curriculum planning and cross-KLA/cross-subject collaboration in secondary schools and to share some frameworks and strategies for and school-based experience in strengthening students’ ability to integrate and apply knowledge and skills.

The seminar will include sharing on:
(1) the latest development of STEM education and the related cross-KLA collaboration;
(2) the frameworks and strategies in planning and promoting STEM education in secondary schools;
(3) good practices on school-based STEM related initiatives; and
(4) Community resource to promote STEM education.
Event Details

Symposium on STEM Education (New)

12 APR 2019
Symposium on STEM Education (New)
School Hall, Lok Sin Tong Yu Kan Hing Secondary School, 3 Fu Yue Street, Wang Tau Hom, Kowloon
The promotion of STEM education in schools is a development focus in the Policy Addresses of recent years. It aims to unleash students’ potential and develop their capacity to innovate by enhancing their interest in learning Science, Technology and Mathematics, as well as ability to integrate and apply knowledge and skills across the related disciplines. By doing so, we believe that we can nurture a versatile pool of talents with different sets and levels of skills to enhance the competitiveness of Hong Kong.

In the past few years, EDB has been actively promoting STEM education. Most schools have started to implement STEM education as one of the focus of school-based curriculum development with the aim to enable students to become effective lifelong learners in response to the macro changes in the 21st Century.
Event Details

Latest Development in Drone Applications and Programming (New)

2 MAY 2019
Latest Development in Drone Applications and Programming (New)
Mu Kuang English School, 55 Kung Lok Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon
The main contents include:
1. The latest development and history of the drone industry, and drone safety design
2. Flight principle of the aircraft, operation rules and ethics in using drones
3. Drone flight skills and hands-on operation
4. Apple Swift and Scratch programming teaching exercises and group flying concepts
5. Practical operation and teaching of a programmable drone obstacle competition
Remarks: Teachers are advised to bring their own iPad.
Event Details

Drone Programming with Python and Artificial Intelligence (AI) Applications (New)

3 MAY 2019
Drone Programming with Python and Artificial Intelligence (AI) Applications (New)
HKSKH Bishop Hall Secondary School, 82, Hiu Kwong Street, Sau Mau Ping, Kowloon
The main contents include:
1. The latest development and history of the drone industry, and drone safety design
2. Flight principle of the aircraft, operation rules and ethics in using drones
3. Drone flight skills and hands-on operation./br> 4. Python programming teaching exercises
5. Drone AI application – video image transmission and object recognition system
Remarks: Teachers are advised to bring their own laptop computers
Event Details

STEM Conference 2019

23 MAR 2019
STEM Conference 2019
Charles K. Kao Auditorium, Hong Kong Science Park, Shatin, N.T.
To enrich the professional support for teachers on STEM education, the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups (HKFYG) will organise STEM Conference on 23 March 2019 (Saturday).

1. Keynote Topic 1: Transforming Education Technology: How Can Teachers Implement AI and STEM in the Curriculum?
Speaker: Professor Rose Luckin, Learner Centred Design, University College London Knowledge Lab, United Kingdom

2. Keynote Topic 2: “How Scientists See the World? STEM in Everyday Life”
Speaker: Professor Michael Lam Hon Wah, Associate Dean (Education) of College of Science and Professor of Department of Chemistry, City University of Hong Kong

3. Sharing Session: STEM Education in Other Regions”- Experience sharing by STEM teachers from overseas
Mexico: MSc Nuria Renata Roldán-Bretón, Bosques International School
Republic of Korea: Dr. Youngmi Kim, Korea Science & Engineering Fair
Singapore: Mrs. Sow Yoke Keow, Lead Teacher/Chemistry and Research, Hwa Chong Institution

4. Chit-chat Session:“Implementation of STEM Education at Schools in Hong Kong: Challenges and Strategies”- Chit-chat by experienced STEM teachers
Moderator: Mr. Chu Tsz Wing, Chief Headmaster, St. Hilary’s Primary School and VNSAA St. Hilary’s School

Event Details
Online Registration

STEM Education Series cum Smart City Project Programme Series: Seminar on Knowledge Enrichment for Teachers on STEM Related Areas (New)

7 MAR 2019
STEM Education Series cum Smart City Project Programme Series: Seminar on Knowledge Enrichment for Teachers on STEM Related Areas (New)
Lecture Theatre, Hong Kong Space Museum, 10 Salisbury Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon
Knowledge is expanding at a faster rate than any time before. Fostering students’ abilities to connect knowledge from different disciplines and apply them in new and unknown contexts are considered important in education in the 21st century. Integrating knowledge and skills in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) to solve problems in authentic contexts are widely promoted around the world. In light of this, the promotion of STEM education in schools is a major focus in Hong Kong’s curriculum development,with the aims to strengthen the Science, Technology and Mathematics Education to nurture diversified talents in the science and technology fields for enhancing the international competitiveness of Hong Kong. This seminar is one of the highlighted events in the promotion of STEM education where participants will be enriched with the pioneer development in STEM-related fields in academics and industries.

This seminar is also part of the Smart City Project Programme Training Series.
Event Details