Launching Ceremony of Inter-school Cross-curricular Project Competition on Climate Change 2016-17 cum Seminar on Climate Change and Technology

Date: 25 October 2016

Launching Ceremony of Inter-school Cross-curricular Project Competition on Climate Change 2016-17 cum Seminar on Climate Change and Technology


Lecture Theatre, 4/F, West Block, Kowloon Tong Education Services Centre, Education Bureau

This event aims to introduce the Inter-school Cross-curricular Project Competition on Climate Change to schools. The program includes a brief introduction on the rules and regulations of the competition, and demonstration by schools on developing small inventions and conducting investigative study to cope with climate change. This event also aims to introduce how climate change education can be implemented through the use technology in schools.

Event details

活動名稱︰中學生科技設計比賽2017 (Chinese Version Only)

活動名稱︰中學生科技設計比賽2017 (Chinese Version Only)


比賽鼓勵學生以物聯網(Internet of Things, 簡稱IoT)為導向,透過創意和實作回應主題「智慧.校園 (Smart School)」,將香港打造成為更具競爭力的智慧城市(Smart City) 。學生可以透過自行開發的項目,展現他們對IoT的應用和創意,於比賽作品展覽當日向評判團展示範該項目實際運作和原創性。


57th International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO 2016)


Date: 6-16 July 2016

Title: 57th International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO 2016)



The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Clear Water Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong



Hong Kong is proud to be hosting the brightest secondary school mathematics talents from over 100 countries and regions at the 57th International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO) from 6 – 16 July 2016.
IMO 2016 will be hosted by the International Mathematical Olympiad Hong Kong Committee Limited with the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology as the Host University and the Education Bureau of the Hong Kong SAR Government as the Supporting Organisation.


Talks on “Global Education Trend – How to Implement STEM Education” (New)


Date: 22 June 2016

Title: Talks on “Global Education Trend – How to Implement STEM Education” (New) – Talk (Event AB): Assessing Scientific Literacy and Competency: Lessons from PISA and NGSS (With a panel discussion moderated by Prof. Lap-Chee TSUI)



The Leighton Hill Community Hall, G/F, 133 Wong Nai Chung Road, Happy Valley




  1. To introduce the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) in the United States and discuss their implications for the teaching of science;
  2. To share the experience in developing a system of assessment for implementing the NGSS in the United States; and
  3. To enhance participants’ understanding of the importance of integrating and applying knowledge and skills of STEM related disciplines.


Talks on “Global Education Trend – How to Implement STEM Education”


Date: 20 June 2016

Title: Talks on “Global Education Trend – How to Implement STEM Education” Talk (Event AA): New Directions in Teaching Science



Chambers 1A & 1B, InnoCentre, 72 Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon Tong




  1. To introduce the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) in the United States and discuss their implications for the teaching of science;
  2. To share the experience in developing a system of assessment for implementing the NGSS in the United States; and
  3. To enhance participants’ understanding of the importance of integrating and applying knowledge and skills of STEM related disciplines.


Professional Development Programmes for Primary Mathematics Teachers: The Curriculum Planning and Implementation of STEM Education


Date: 30-31 May 2016

Title: Professional Development Programmes for Primary Mathematics Teachers: The Curriculum Planning and Implementation of STEM Education



Function Room AC2(31 May at AC1), 4/F, Hong Kong Cultural Centre Administration Building, 10 Salisbury Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon




  1. To introduce the new trends of STEM Education
  2. To share with Primary Mathematics teachers on designing the school-based curriculum of STEM Education for Primary Mathematics