578 events found.

Food Microbiology and Food Preservation in Home Economics / Technology and Living (Re-run)

Venue: Room 1502, 15/F, HKU SPACE Po Leung Kuk Stanley Ho Community College, 66 Leighton Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong Description: To enhance participants’ understanding of the scientific principles and application of food microbiology and food preservation. To facilitate participants to promote STEAM education in school through teaching food microbiology and food preservation in HEc … Continue reading "Food Microbiology and Food Preservation in Home Economics / Technology and Living (Re-run)"

STEAM Education Learning, Teaching and Assessment Series: Computational Thinking – Coding Education and Design of Learning and Teaching Resources at Upper Primary Level – Online Seminar (New)

Venue: The course will be held online via Zoom Description: To enhance teachers’ understanding on computational thinking in coding education; To enhance the pedagogical knowledge in developing students’ computational thinking through coding education; and To introduce the design and use of P4 Learning and Teaching (L&T) resources to implement coding education at upper primary level. … Continue reading "STEAM Education Learning, Teaching and Assessment Series: Computational Thinking – Coding Education and Design of Learning and Teaching Resources at Upper Primary Level – Online Seminar (New)"

Basic Food Science in Home Economics / Technology and Living (Re-run)

Venue: Room 1502, 15/F, HKU SPACE Po Leung Kuk Stanley Ho Community College, 66 Leighton Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong Description: To enhance participants’ skills in conducting food test lessons through investigating related scientific principles and theory. To facilitate participants to promote STEAM education in school through conducting food test lessons in HEc / TL. … Continue reading "Basic Food Science in Home Economics / Technology and Living (Re-run)"

STEAM Education Learning, Teaching and Assessment Series: Workshop on Using App Inventor to Develop Computational Thinking among Upper Primary Students (Re-run)

Venue: STEM Education Centre, 1/F, Arts & Technology Education Centre, 145 Junction Road, Lok Fu, Kowloon Description: To enhance participants’ understanding of programming with App Inventor To enhance participants’ pedagogical knowledge of using App Inventor to develop computational thinking among upper primary students To facilitate participants to promote STEAM education in school through teaching coding … Continue reading "STEAM Education Learning, Teaching and Assessment Series: Workshop on Using App Inventor to Develop Computational Thinking among Upper Primary Students (Re-run)"

STEAM Education Learning, Teaching and Assessment Series: Workshop on Computational Thinking – Coding Education for Primary Teachers: A Preliminary Study on Drones Programming [Re-run]

Venue: Chung Chi Campus, The Chinese University of Hong Kong Description: To enhance participants’ understanding on the knowledge and the concept of computational thinking in coding education, as well as the pedagogical approach to develop students’ computational thinking with the use of drones; To enhance participants’ understanding on drone operations, flight principle and safety precautions … Continue reading "STEAM Education Learning, Teaching and Assessment Series: Workshop on Computational Thinking – Coding Education for Primary Teachers: A Preliminary Study on Drones Programming [Re-run]"

STEAM Education Learning, Teaching and Assessment Series: Workshop on Implementing Coding Education to Develop Upper Primary Students’ Computational Thinking (General Studies) [Refreshed]

Venue: STEM Education Centre, 1/F, Arts & Technology Education Centre, 145 Junction Road, Lok Fu, Kowloon   Description: To enhance participants’ pedagogical knowledge of using coding education to develop students’ computational thinking in General Studies. To facilitate participants to promote STEAM education in school through coding education.   Event Details

Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) Technology and Living (Fashion, Clothing and Textiles) Assessment for Learning Workshop (New)

Venue: Lai King Assessment Centre, Estate School 1, Lai King Estate, Kwai Chung, NT Description: To facilitate assessment for learning, evaluate students’ performance and provide feedback on the learning and teaching strategies in Technology and Living (Fashion, Clothing and Textiles) by using the assessment information of HKDSE Examination Technology and Living (Fashion, Clothing and Textiles) … Continue reading "Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) Technology and Living (Fashion, Clothing and Textiles) Assessment for Learning Workshop (New)"