577 events found.

STEM Education Learning, Teaching and Assessment Series: Workshop on Implementing Coding Education to Develop Upper Primary Students’ Computational Thinking (English Language Subject) [Refreshed] – online course

Venue: The course will be held online via Zoom   Description: – To enhance participants’ pedagogical knowledge of using coding education to develop students’ computational thinking in English Language subject. – To facilitate participants to promote STEM education in school through coding education.   Event Details

STEM Education Learning, Teaching and Assessment Series: Workshop on Using App Inventor to Develop Computational Thinking among Upper Primary Students (Refreshed)

Venue: STEM Education Centre, 1/F, Arts & Technology Education Centre, 145 Junction Road, Lok Fu, Kowloon   Description: – To enhance participants’ understanding of programming with App Inventor – To enhance participants’ pedagogical knowledge of using App Inventor to develop computational thinking among upper primary students – To facilitate participants to promote STEM education in … Continue reading "STEM Education Learning, Teaching and Assessment Series: Workshop on Using App Inventor to Develop Computational Thinking among Upper Primary Students (Refreshed)"

“Developing Students’ Innovation Competency through Advanced STEM Learning Experiences” – Student Conference

Description: The project “Developing Students’ Innovation Competency through Advanced STEM Learning Experiences” is organised by the Education Bureau (EDB), which consists of a series of training programmes and a research mentorship programme on STEM education for primary and secondary students. It aims to develop and further enhance students’ knowledge and skills on STEM-related disciplines, as … Continue reading "“Developing Students’ Innovation Competency through Advanced STEM Learning Experiences” – Student Conference"

STEM Education Learning, Teaching and Assessment Series: Workshop on Using Visual Programming Language Tools to Develop Upper Primary School Students’ Computational Thinking in Computer Lessons (Refreshed) – online course

Venue: The course will be held online via Zoom   Description: – To enhance participants’ pedagogical knowledge of using Scratch 3.0 to develop students’ computational thinking and coding skills in school-based Computer lessons. – To facilitate participants to promote STEM education in school through teaching coding   Event Details

“Train-the-Trainers” Workshops for City I&T Grand Challenge

Venue: Online mode via Zoom   Description: – To equip primary and secondary school teachers with skills and knowledge to coach students for joining the Grand Challenge. – Teachers will learn the fundamentals of Design Thinking so that they can guide and facilitate students in the idea submission stage of City I&T Grand Challenge. – … Continue reading "“Train-the-Trainers” Workshops for City I&T Grand Challenge"

Media and Information Literacy (MIL) Series: (3) Workshop on Social Media, Smartphone and Adolescents ─ Strategies to handle Misinformation and Fake News (New)

Venue: Hong Kong News-Expo: 2 Bridges Street, Central, Hong Kong   Description: Through participating in this workshop, teachers can understand: • the impact of social media on adolescents • how to search, evaluate and use information • the harm of misinformation to oneself and others, and make decisions based on reliable sources like official information … Continue reading "Media and Information Literacy (MIL) Series: (3) Workshop on Social Media, Smartphone and Adolescents ─ Strategies to handle Misinformation and Fake News (New)"