Description: Objectives: To update and enrich participants’ knowledge regarding food science and technology, food culture and food product development Event Details
Venue: Maker Space, Room 109, Arts & Technology Education Centre,145 Junction Road, Lok Fu, Kowloon Description: Objective: ●To enhance participants’ pedagogical knowledge of building air quality monitoring device to develop students’ design and make skills ●To facilitate participants to promote STEM education in schools Event Details
日期: 2020年3月31日 簡介: – 透過參觀兩所中小學,認識及了解澳門推行 STEM 教育的最新情況 – 探索適合於香港課堂進行的學習活動 行程(具體行程或會更改) 去程及集合:在上環港澳碼頭乘坐飛航船出發 。 早上:到「澳門培正中學」參觀及交流。 中午:於市內餐廳午膳。 下午:到「 濠江中學附屬英才學校」參觀及交流並乘坐澳門輕軌「氹仔線」。 回程及解散:乘坐旅遊巴經港珠澳大橋回港。 活動詳情
Venue: STEM Education Centre, 1/F, Arts & Technology Education Centre, 145 Junction Road, Lok Fu, Kowloon Description: Objective: – To enhance participants’ pedagogical knowledge of using micro:bit to develop students’ computation thinking – To facilitate participants to promote STEM education in schools through teaching coding Event Details