544 events found.

Workshop on Laser Cutting Machine Operation and 2D CAD Software (Re-run)

Venue: Maker Space, Arts & Technology Education Centre,145 Junction Road, Lok Fu, Kowloon City   Description: Objective: ● To enhance participants’ knowledge of laser cutting so that they can use the laser cutting machine correctly and efficiently ● To enhance participants’ pedagogical knowledge of 2D CAD software Event Details


地點: 嶺南大學林炳炎樓LBY G02講堂   簡介: 近年人工智能的發展,已滲入到我們日常生活中,例如Facebook對用戶上載照片的人臉辨識、Google的語音辦識、手機中文輸入因應使用者的習慣而提供關連字詞等,都是日常接觸到的例子。從人類的歷史看到,每一輪科技革命,都會帶來新一輪工作革命,例如工業革命讓大批的農民變成了工人、服務員及白領;在今後10到20年,人工智能技術,將會取代一部份傳統行業,帶來新一輪的工作革命。二十一世紀我們的教育,應培養一些怎麼樣的人才? 人工智能是新一輪科技革命和產業變革的核心驅動力,世界各國紛紛搶灘佈局。中國政府於2017年中推出了首份國家級人工智能發展規劃:《新一代人工智能發展規劃》,力爭到2030年實現把我國建設成為世界主要人工智能創新中心;今年初,中國教育部公佈了新的課程標準,將人工智能、物聯網、大數據處理正式劃入高中「信息技術」學科。 嶺南大學與英特爾公司合作,在嶺大建立全港首個「英特爾智能創新中心」,運用英特爾公司的硬件及技術,向中小學提供人工智能的體驗活動及培訓。是次研討會,將會介紹英特爾公司在人工智能方面的研究及應用,以及一些面向中小學生的人工智能課程及活動。 活動詳情

Current Position and Role of Technological Development in the Mainland – Visit to the Innovation Technology Industry (Refreshed)

Venue: Institute of Digital Media Technology (Shenzhen) Limited, GDC Building, 9 Gaoxin Central Avenue 3rd, Nanshan District, Shenzhen   Description: Objective: ● To enhance participants’ understanding of the technological development, and application of innovative technology in the Mainland ● To faciliate participants to promote STEM education in schools Event Details

STEM knowledge updates series: Seminar on Design Solutions and Automation Machinery

Venue: Maker Space, Rm 109, 1/F, Arts & Technology Education Centre, 145 Junction Road, Lok Fu, Kowloon   Description: Objective: ● To enhance participants’ understanding of the application of CAD and AR glasses in stereoscopic design and automated programming ● To facilitate participants to promote STEM education in schools through stereoscopic design, AR glasses and … Continue reading "STEM knowledge updates series: Seminar on Design Solutions and Automation Machinery"

STEM knowledge updates series: Seminar on Forensic Science (New)

Venue: Maker Space, Rm 109, 1/F, Arts & Technology Education Centre, 145 Junction Road, Lok Fu, Kowloon   Description: Objective: ● To enhance participants’ understanding of the application of engineering and physics knowledge in forensic science ● To facilitate participants to promote STEM education in schools through forensic science. Event Details

Summer Taster Programme for Secondary School Students 2018 – Basic App and Arduino Programming with Bluetooth Controlled Balloon Aircraft

Venue: City University of Hong Kong   Description: In response to EDB’s advocacy of promoting and facilitating STEM education in secondary schools, we are inviting some secondary schools to nominate their elite students to join our 2-week taster programme, which is in parallel with the CityU EE International Summer Camp. We tailor the learning materials … Continue reading "Summer Taster Programme for Secondary School Students 2018 – Basic App and Arduino Programming with Bluetooth Controlled Balloon Aircraft"

STEM knowledge updates series: Seminar on the Application of latest AR & VR technology in STEM education (New)

Venue: Maker Space, Rm 109, 1/F, Arts & Technology Education Centre, 145 Junction Road, Lok Fu, Kowloon   Description: Objective: ● To enhance participants’ understanding of the latest trend, pros and cons on the application of VR & AR technology in STEM education ● To facilitate participants to promote STEM education in schools through the … Continue reading "STEM knowledge updates series: Seminar on the Application of latest AR & VR technology in STEM education (New)"


Venue: Department of Electronic and Information Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University   Description: “EIE Robotic Challenge Junior 2018: Flying Robot” will be held by the Department of Electronic and Information Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University on 12 July 2018. There will be a secondary school session and a primary school session in the … Continue reading "EIE ROBOTIC CHALLENGE JUNIOR 2018: FLYING ROBOT"

Control Technology and Innovative Robotics (Re-run)

Venue: Room 1003, 10/F, VTC Tower, 27 Wood Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong   Description: Objectives: ● To enhance participants’ pedagogical knowledge of control technology and robotics ● To facilitate participants to promote STEM education in school through teaching control technology and innovative robotics Event Details