Venue: Maker Space, Room 109, Arts & Technology Education Centre, 145 Junction Road, Lok Fu, Kowloon Objectives: To enhance participants’ pedagogical knowledge and skills on Visualisation and Computer-aided Design (CAD) Modelling to develop students’ design and make skills in STEAM learning activities. Description: Subject Knowledge & Pedagogy/Learning & Teaching Event Details
地點: 香港理工大學工業中心W501室 活動目標: 透過實踐經驗加強參加者使用工程設施和設備的知識及技巧,並連繫與設計與科技科目相關的學習元素。 加強參加者的教學知識,以利用學校工場中的設施和設備,發展學生的設計與動手做能力。 簡介: 科目知識及教學法/學與教(與工作有關) 活動詳情
Venue: Maker Space, Room 109, Arts & Technology Education Centre, 145 Junction Road, Lok Fu, Kowloon Objectives: To enhance participants’ understanding of design thinking and creative problem-Solving To facilitate participants to unleash students’ creativity through design project activities at school. Description: Subject Knowledge & Pedagogy/Learning & Teaching Event Details
Venue: The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, 1 Gloucester road, Wanchai Description: To enhance participants’ understanding of the application of design and production technology in Theatre and Entertainment Industry To facilitate participants in teaching design process with authentic examples Event Details