香港科技創新教育聯盟(簡稱「聯盟」)於2018年成立,致力聯繫社會各界推動科技創新教育(STEM教育)發展,培養中小學生科學素養,鞏固學生科學知識,增進教師就科技創新教育的了解,為香港未來發展成國際科創中心培育人才。 為促進滬港交流,讓香港中小學了解其他地區的STEM或STEAM教育情況,聯盟將於5月舉辦2024「未來香江」STEAM教育研習團,一連五日遠赴上海學習考察,期間安排了上海交通大學教育學院主持的教師培訓課程。研習團亦會參訪聯合國教科文組織教師教育中心、上海師範大學STEM教育研究中心。活動資訊如下: 日期:2024年5月15日至19日(5日4夜) 地點:上海交通大學;上海師範大學 對象:香港科技創新教育聯盟理事、中小學校長、STEAM教育老師 名額:30人(先到先得) 團費:港幣500元 (包含專家授課、講義證書、住宿膳食、指定航班機票及保險) 截止:2024年4月30日(星期二) 如有垂詢,歡迎賜電3707 1147與郭女士聯絡。
Venue: STEM Education Centre, 1/F, Arts & Technology Education Centre, 145 Junction Road, Lok Fu, Kowloon Description: To enhance participants’ pedagogical knowledge of using coding education to develop students’ computational thinking in General Studies To facilitate participants to promote STEAM education in school through coding education Event Details
Venue: Hong Kong News-Expo: 2 Bridges Street, Central, Hong Kong / Online via Zoom Description: To promote the importance of media and information literacy (MIL) education To enhance participants’ awareness on MIL and its trends Event Details
Venue: Room W420, 4/F, Kowloon Tong Education Services Centre, 19 Suffolk Road, Kowloon Tong Description: To enhance participants’ understanding and interpretation of the TL curriculum To facilitate participants to promote STEAM education in schools through teaching TL Event Details
Venue: Room W420, 4/F, Kowloon Tong Education Services Centre, 19 Suffolk Road, Kowloon Tong Description: To enhance participants’ understanding of the guiding principles behind and pedagogies in teaching senior secondary TL to cater for learner diversity To facilitate participants to promote STEAM education in schools through teaching TL Event Details
Venue: Prince Philip Dental Hospital, 34 Hospital Rd, Sai Ying Pun, HK Description: To enhance participants’ understanding of the technological development of the dental technology industry To facilitate participants in teaching digital fabrication process with authentic examples Event Details
Venue: Online mode via Zoom Description: To enhance participants’ understanding about Building Information Modelling (BIM) Technology and its application in industries To facilitate participants to promote STEAM education in schools Event Details