Venue: Room W134, 1/F, West Block, EDB Kowloon Tong Education Services Centre, 19 Suffolk Road, Kowloon Tong Description: Objective: To assist primary schools to plan and implement coding education to develop students’ computational thinking. Event Details
Venue: WB, 4/F, West Block, EDB Kowloon Tong Education Services Centre, 19 Suffolk Road, Kowloon Tong Description: Objective: 1. To introduce the strategies for promoting the reading of popular science books; and 2. To share the school-based experiences in the promotion of reading in STEM related areas in secondary schools. Event Details
Venue: Lecture Theatre (WB), 4/F, West Block, Education Bureau Kowloon Tong Education Services Centre, 19 Suffolk Road, Kowloon Tong Description: Objective: To share how to promote STEM Education from the perspective of Technology Education Event Details Programme Rundown
地點: 中華基督教會譚李麗芬紀念中學 123室 簡介: 是次成果分享會以「智能長者」青少年科技大使計劃推行經驗,分享如何結合STEM教育和體驗式學習促進學校累積社會資本及學生學習效能。 網上報名 活動詳情
地點: 香港中文大學李兆基樓 LSK LT6 & LT7 簡介: 論壇主題為「香港STEM教育發展和人才培養」,主題論壇包括「科學科技應用對人類生活的重要性」及「培養年青人科學素養」。前者期望通過專家分享具體的科學科技知識的應用個案,突出相關知識對解決人類生活問題的貢獻,從而刺激學生對追求科學知識的興趣,取得家長的支持,勇敢踏上創科學習的大道。後者期望讓本地專家、中小學校長及教師深入認識科學素養的內涵,思考出如何通過STEM教育培養香港年青學生的科學素養,更邀請深圳、澳門及本地中小學校長圓桌對話,供香港教育界的前線人員參考。 活動詳情