574 events found.

STEM knowledge updates series: Application of latest 3D printing technology in STEM project- Entry-level to High-end Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM) 3D printing and Carbon Fibre 3D printing (New)

Venue: Maker Space, Rm 109, 1/F, Arts & Technology Education Centre, 145 Junction Road, Lok Fu, Kowloon   Description: Objective: 1. To enhance participants’ understanding on the advantage and limitation of different levels of FDM 3D Printing and Carbon Fibre 3D Printing 2. To facilitate participants to promote STEM education in schools through applying 3D … Continue reading "STEM knowledge updates series: Application of latest 3D printing technology in STEM project- Entry-level to High-end Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM) 3D printing and Carbon Fibre 3D printing (New)"

STEM Education Series: Seminar on “The Role of Engineering in STEM Education” (New)

Venue: WB, 4/F, West Block, EDB Kowloon Tong Education Services Centre, 19 Suffolk Road, Kowloon Tong   Description: Objective: 1. To enhance teachers’ understanding of the role of engineering in STEM education; 2. To arouse teachers’ awareness on the career path and employment prospects in the engineering field; and 3. To enhance teachers’ awareness on … Continue reading "STEM Education Series: Seminar on “The Role of Engineering in STEM Education” (New)"

STEM Education Series: Reading to Learn STEM (I)

Venue: WB, 4/F, West Block, EDB Kowloon Tong Education Services Centre, 19 Suffolk Road, Kowloon Tong   Description: Objective: 1. To introduce the strategies for promoting the reading of popular science books; and 2. To share the school-based experiences in the promotion of reading in STEM related areas in secondary schools. Event Details

InnoCarnival 2018

Venue: Hong Kong Science Park   Description: Objective: It aims to provide the public with an opportunity to experience and appreciate Hong Kong’s achievements in innovation and technology, and foster an innovation and technology culture in the community. This year’s InnoCarnival carries the theme “Innovate for a Smart Future”. Around 60 programme partners including local … Continue reading "InnoCarnival 2018"

香港STEM教育聯盟成立典禮 暨 第一屆香港STEM教育論壇

地點: 香港中文大學李兆基樓 LSK LT6 & LT7   簡介: 論壇主題為「香港STEM教育發展和人才培養」,主題論壇包括「科學科技應用對人類生活的重要性」及「培養年青人科學素養」。前者期望通過專家分享具體的科學科技知識的應用個案,突出相關知識對解決人類生活問題的貢獻,從而刺激學生對追求科學知識的興趣,取得家長的支持,勇敢踏上創科學習的大道。後者期望讓本地專家、中小學校長及教師深入認識科學素養的內涵,思考出如何通過STEM教育培養香港年青學生的科學素養,更邀請深圳、澳門及本地中小學校長圓桌對話,供香港教育界的前線人員參考。 活動詳情