Lectures on Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Education

23 & 28 MAR 2018
Lectures on Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Education
The Central Library Lecture Theatre
Lecture theatre, Hong Kong Science Museum
The captioned lectures aims at promoting STEM education. They are also related to History and Archaeology. These lectures enable the public, in particular teachers and students, to learn more about the connections between the development of agriculture, mathematics, science and medicine in China and other countries from ancient to modern times.

The first lecture on “Food Globalization in Prehistory” and the second lecture on “A Wonder of Archaeology in Cereal Fermentation: Thirst for Beer and the Origins of Agriculture” are co-organised by the Joseph Needham Foundation for Science and Civilisation (formerly The East Asian History of Science Foundation) and the Education Bureau. For the second lecture, it is also supported by the Hong Kong Science Museum and the Croucher Foundation.

For the second lecture, schools can also arrange students to visit the permanent exhibition to be held at the Hong Kong Science Museum on the same day. Admission fee for visiting the Museum will be waived.

EDB Circular Memorandum