Title: STEAM Education Enriching Knowledge Series: Seminar on “Challenges and Opportunities of Climate Change on Global Sustainable Agriculture” cum Guided Visit to the Jockey Club Museum of Climate Change (New)

STEAM Education Enriching Knowledge Series: Seminar on “Challenges and Opportunities of Climate Change on Global Sustainable Agriculture” cum Guided Visit to the Jockey Club Museum of Climate Change (New)


2024/05/25 (Sat)


LT3, Yasumoto International Academic Park, CUHK


1. To enhance teachers’ understanding of the following:
– Challenges of climate change on sustainable agriculture;
– How innovation and technology (I&T) helps agriculture combat climate change;
2. To enrich teachers’ knowledge about climate crisis, innovative research and solutions for meeting sustainability challenges and the community’s initiatives in promoting sustainable development through the guided visit to the Jockey Club Museum of Climate Change; and
3. To share with teachers some students’ reflections on their agricultural study tour to Pakistan.


There will be several thematic talks related to challenges and opportunities of climate change on global sustainable agriculture, a session with students’ reflections on their agricultural study tour to Pakistan, and a guided visit to the Jockey Club  Museum of Climate Change.

Event Details